
This collection contains the the Unreal Tournament 99 Monsterhunt package InstaCombo with additional fixes by Barbie. This additional package has been named InstaCombo_SBFix1.
(InstaCombo is InstaGib with additional Shock Balls - see original help file for a detailed description.)

Fix reasons

If running the Arena Mutator InstaComboGibDM


Original Author

Name: Namu
Contact: namu at planetunreal dot com

Fix 1

Name: Barbie
Contact: SeriousBarbie at googlemail dot com

Filelist of archiv

NameSizeDateMD5 sum
./Help/InstaCombo_SBFix.htm29262017-02-11(this file)


Unpack the archiv, then:

First installation

Put all files of archiv's SYSTEM folder into the SYSTEM folder of your UT installation. Read original readme InstaCombo.htm in archiv's HELP folder.


  1. You already have the file InstaCombo.u in the $UT/SYSTEM folder. I recommend not overwriting it.
  2. Put all other files of archiv's SYSTEM folder into the SYSTEM folder of your UT installation.
  3. You can keep the existing old file in the SYSTEM folder that allows you to add the broken arena mutator, but I recommend you remove it.


InstaCombo_SBFix1, Release 2017-02-11