------------------------------------ Project Zephon : Battle for Freedom ------------------------------------ *** Team Zephon is: Cedric Pierron aka "Derdak2rot" - Mod founder, mapper, texture artist Kimmo Kontto aka "Cardiologist" - Mapper, coder, texture artist Tobby Ong aka "GTD-Carthage" - Mapper, texture artist LJParanoid - Mapper WhirlWindWabbit - Story writter, mapper milb - Mapper NR.2000 - Mapper Mgo - original idea and discussions about the mappack ( he left during the early process ) ------------------------------- V120 : features : - fixed Various bugs reported on zp01 , zp09, zp10 and the intro - added missing files from previous pack version - fixed difficulty and gameplay problems on maps zp09 and zp10 - added non umod version of olskool 239 thanks to people at unrealsp.org and UnrealPlaygroundforums for these bugs report , hopefully , newcomers that want to play the pack will not suffers of the earlier problems :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Special thanx goes to: - 3 for extensive help with online testing, running test server and reporting feedback and bugs on the coop tests :) - Hourences and Mister_Prophett for various use of textures , meshes and prefabs from Xidia Gold - Excalibur Holland***** for hosting our forum , and particulary El_Chicoverde for the support with the FTp server and forums :) - Everybody at Excalibur Holland***** and UnrealSp.org forums for continous support and helpful feedback over the course of the development. For more info and some insight as to how the mod was created please visit Excalibur Holland*****: http://www.excalibur-holland.net/phpnuke/index.php - everybody at UnrealSP.org and BeyondUnreal for their support and enthousiams about the project :) visit here : http://www.unrealsp.org/ http://www.beyondunreal.com/ *** ----------------------------- 1. Installation 2. Getting started 3. Mission 4. Infos/developments 5. Credits ----------------------------- 1. Installation Zephon requires you to have your Unreal Tournament game installed and patched to the latest version (version 436). You also need oldskool to play Zephon which is included in the zip file. No additional bonus packs are required. To install Zephon first make sure your Unreal Tournament game is patched to the latest version. To get the latest patches please visit www.unrealtournament.com. After patching your game run the oldskool290.umod file which can be found inside the oldskool230lite.zip file (included with ProjectZephon.zip). Finish your instalation by unzipping the contents of the "projectzephon.zip" file into your Unreal Tournament directory (e.g. C:\UnrealTournament). All files should automatically be placed in their appropriate folders. every files should be installed this way : ".umx" in your "UnrealTournament/music" folder ".u" and ".int" in your "UnrealTournament/System" folder ".utx" in your "UnrealTournament/Textures" folder ".unr" in your "UnrealTournament/Maps" folder ".uax" in your "UnrealTournament/Sounds" folder ----------------------------- 2. Getting Started to start playing zephon mappack , simply go to your menu and enable olskool mutator , then start new single player game. Select " Project Zephon " and start new game. The menu will ask you to select a difficulty setting. The game is heavily altered by the difficulty selection. Your choice will effect the skill and attack power of your enemies, the number of enemies you will encounter ect ... each difficulty level has its own setting on maps . the coop support is though more hard and balanced for higher number of players at same time , making team work required ... coop play is definetly not the same experience , and with good people around , it can become even more interesting .. increasing the replay value of the game . ----------------------------- 3. Mission >>>> Incoming message from Captain Dirk. C Capwell, chief commander of SCTC >>>> SCTC stands for Surveillance & Control of the Terran Colonies attached to the NEG >>>> Message received by UMS-Raven, Class B destroyer >>>> 21st of September, 3:32 pm Current status update from marine HQ regarding the recent events on Zephon: Zephon was a hostile planet at first, the cold atmosphere (up to -50° C) made life on this planet impossible. It all started with the beginning of the terra-forming wars, when human colonies like Mars and Venus attacked the terra-forming installations of the NEG on various planets all across the known universe. They attempted in stealing their technologies and invading planets which have just fallen under the occupation of Terran forces. The Skaarjs took a large profit of the situation and took control over a series of strategically important planets. Zephon was one of these planets, and the battles that took place on its surface were immense. Source of infinite nitrogen due to the high numbers of glaciers and underground exploitations, humans used terra-forming to use nitrogen as primary energy. The Skaarj made several attempts to take control of the planet, but received heavy resistance from the Terran forces based on the surface of the planet. We suppose a mother ship crashed high in the mountains during one of those battles, but we found no evidence what so ever verifying that, so we are unable to prove it. After the battles which left the Terran forces on the planet in victory, the marines established a series of security installations so extraction and processing of nitrogen started again. Fifty years have passed since than, the colonists have build countless factories, expanded underground mines and improved cities on the planet’s surface and the planet gradually won independency from the NEG. Marines left the planet after the Skaarj had been taken care of. But problems arose now. A few months ago we received strange messages without any real significations and we haven’t heard from the planet since. We must discover what happened on the planet and resolve any problems that might have occurred. I already talked to commander Riley about this problem and he left towards Zephon with UMS-Sakura and a group of marines to investigate recent events. >>>> Message end <<<< **** Once in the game we advise you to read various translator messages throughout the game to fully experience the story. ----------------------------- 4. Infos and Developments there are lot to say about the mappack development , it started in the mind of Mgo and Derdak2rot , when discussing on Unrealsp.org . we thought about a unknow snowy planet were all humans got killed by skaarjs and invaded by their tribes , the idea was to make this planet frozen with lots of cool environements and stuff . ZP02 was the first map started , ( probably few months after , a revamped version for MH was realesed called MH-Hellfire ) and zp03 and zp04 followed the progress within the next months . a problem came though , as Mgo did have problems with reallife commitments , and only one mapper was working on the three maps at the moment . so Derdak2rot asked some of his mapping friends , Cardiologist , GTDcarthage and Whirlwindwabbit to help him in the task of bringing zephon to life . maps started to progress heavily and some mappers did bring lot of works in short time ;) after 6 months of hard work , we finally got 12 of 14 maps almost done , only left the very last map zp12 and zp07 , which was assigned to LJ paranoid, but at this moment , some stuff kept busy some of the members of the team , and no progress were made during the next months , though Cardiologist provided some new actors stuff and two news scripted pawns for the project . Derdak2rot asked then to NR2000 a bit of help on zp12 , which got finished a few weeks later .there was still problems with the development of zp07 , as LJ paranoid did have reallife troubles and was not able to deliver his map in time , so Derdak2rot asked him in a hurry if he could use one of his CTF map as a base , which became later the newer version of zp07 , the nurgle village . we profited of this quiet period to polish some of the latest maps , like Carthage did and added new cool stuff to zp01 ... Derdak2rot then put the final touch to the maps gameplay helped by Whirl on the overall story line .. there no doubt the development took long time , and lot of people were waiting for this to be realesed , we apologizes for the troubles met during development , but the result is there , now the mappack is fully supported for Single Play as long as Coop . and all the stuff were heavily tested online to offer quality and bug-free maps .. we hope you will enjoy playing the mappack as we enjoyed working for this .. we thanks everyone who still support these awesome games that are Unreal and UT , which are far for being dead seing all the quality stuff realesed after al these years , we wish the game to have more good years in future and encourage newer projects for it .. long life to the unreal community !! --------------------------------- 5 . Credits : the Zephon team used loads of stuff from various author and sources , all of them were used with permissions : Hourences and Mister_prophet ....... for textures packs , meshes and prefabs from Xidia Gold Evil Lair .......................... provided textures ( which Derdak2rot modified a bit with icy feeling ) Epic and Digital extremes .......... textures from Ut2004 and various stuff from the original UT and unreal [UnFramed Productions].............. for the Unreal movie studio tool for Unreal/UT , which was used for the intro and extro sequence Usaar33............................. for the olskool mutator Steve Nabors ....................... for the particle effects used in various maps , 'Particle Sprayers' and 'precipitation generator' of course , everyone that helped the development of the mappack needs to be credited : El_Chicoverde NR2000 Azzco Mgo Newb ( aka ThugLife) L4dy_4bys Steves XYZ_8000 Mister_Prophet Uarchitect Kea Neonite 3 Angel milan Drew Hellscrag Darkon Uberserker Kaka hal FragnBrag milb Swanky Dark_Jaxx Xceptizz ... and everyone who is supporting us since the start of the development ;) --------------------------------- Copyright / Permissions ----------------------- ProjectZephon is copyrighted by Team Zephon ,2007. Authors CAN NOT use these levels as a base to build additional levels. You are NOT allowed to use these levels for any other gametypes or whatever without our explicit permission . You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit these levels, i.e. put them on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without our explicit permission! You MAY distribute these levels through any electronic network (internet, FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this read-me file and leave the archive intact. ---------------------- UNREAL (c)1998 Epic Megagames, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed by GT Interactive Software, Inc. under license. UNREAL and the UNREAL logo are registered trademarks of Epic Megagames, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.