This collection contains the the Unreal Tournament 99 package "CTF-LakeCyanide" with fixes by Barbie. The modified map "CTF-LakeCyanide][.unr" is renamed to "CTF-LakeCyanide][+SBFix2.unr".
Fix reasons
- the Actors "Commander" spoild AutoTeamBalance and single player mode
- TBossBot0 caused a lot of repeated ScriptWarnings
Contact: SeriousBarbie at googlemail dot com
Filelist: see file "./Help/CTF-LakeCyanide+SBFix2-md5sums.txt"
CTF-LakeCyanide+SBFix2, Release 2016-03-09
- added Ripper1 and two BladeHoppers ammo in opposite to Ripper0 for team weapon balance
- duplicated SniperRifle3 and its ammo in opposite for team weapon balance
- replaced DoubleEnforcer0 and its ammo with UT_FlakCannon1 due to team weapon balance
CTF-LakeCyanide][+SBFix1, Release 2016-03-08
- moved some plants and trees from the void back into the playground
- removed Commander0, Commander1, Commander2 because they spoiled AutoTeamBalance and single play
- moved FlagBase0 out of the ground to avoid inital message "The blue flag was returned!"
- removed TBossBot0: it is responsible for a lot of repeated ScriptWarnings in the log files
- removed all GiantMantas (GiantManta0, GiantManta5)
- changed scale from 32 to 8 for all Textures GenEarth.ground.Basicw3 because they were absorbing light with that high scale factor
- copied some of the laterns to lighten the way to the sniper nest (Brush150)
- replaced AmbientSound54 (boring repeated Sound'AmbOutside.OneShot.owl1') by DynamicAmbientSound0 with some AmbOutside.OneShot sounds
- renamed SpecialEvent.Tag and Cow/BabyCow.Event according to instance's name: Message1 -> Cow1Message, Message2 -> BabyCowMessage, Message4 -> Cow2Message
- replaced Nali8 by SBNaliGhost, because Bots tend to attack this Nali without success, because Nali8.bProjTarget was set to false